What is another word for is in the same league?

Pronunciation: [ɪz ɪnðə sˈe͡ɪm lˈiːɡ] (IPA)

The phrase "is in the same league" implies a comparison between two or more things and suggests that they are similar or comparable in quality or skill level. Some synonyms for this phrase include "on par with," "equal to," "in the same category as," or "in the same class as." Other phrases that convey a similar meaning include "cut from the same cloth," "birds of a feather," "peas in a pod," or "two of a kind." These phrases can be used in a variety of contexts, from sports and competition to business and personal relationships, to describe the similarity or equality between two or more entities.

What are the hypernyms for Is in the same league?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the opposite words for is in the same league?

The phrase "is in the same league" implies a comparison of two or more entities based on similar attributes, abilities or qualities. Some antonyms for this phrase could include "is not in the same ballpark," indicating a significant difference in performance or capability, or "belongs to a different category," which suggests that the entities being compared have distinct characteristics that cannot be directly compared. Other antonyms could be "in a lower division," indicating that one entity is considered less powerful or less skilled than the other, or "is out of its depth," which suggests that one entity is not able to compete at the same level as the other.

What are the antonyms for Is in the same league?

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