What is another word for joint effort?

Pronunciation: [d͡ʒˈɔ͡ɪnt ˈɛfət] (IPA)

Joint effort can be described as the combined effort of two or more people working towards a common goal. Synonyms for joint effort include teamwork, collaboration, cooperation, partnership, unity, and alliance. Teamwork refers to the willingness to work together as a team to achieve a goal. Collaboration emphasizes the act of working together in a mutually beneficial way. Cooperation involves the willingness to help each other out in order to achieve a common goal. Partnership denotes a formal agreement between two parties working towards a common objective, while unity describes the state of being united or forming a single entity. An alliance can be defined as a strategic partnership formed to achieve a shared objective.

What are the hypernyms for Joint effort?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the opposite words for joint effort?

Antonyms for the phrase "joint effort" would be "individual effort", "isolated endeavor", or "independent pursuit". These terms signify actions taken by a single person, rather than a group of people working together. In the context of teamwork or collaboration, the concept of "joint effort" is often valued for its ability to combine diverse skills and perspectives towards a common goal. However, in some situations, a single person may be able to achieve more by working alone and pursuing their own methods. Antonyms for "joint effort" can also highlight the importance of individualism and self-reliance, providing a counterpoint to the often-emphasized idea of teamwork and cooperation.

What are the antonyms for Joint effort?

Famous quotes with Joint effort

  • It had not occurred to me that marriage requires the same effort as a career. And unlike a career, marriage requires a joint effort.
    Jessica Savitch

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