What is another word for jump out at?

Pronunciation: [d͡ʒˈʌmp ˈa͡ʊt at] (IPA)

When searching for synonyms for the phrase "jump out at," one might consider alternatives such as "stand out," "catch one's eye," or "be conspicuous." These phrases all convey the idea of something being notable and drawing attention. Other options include "be noticeable," "command attention," or "be striking." Each of these phrases provides a slightly different shade of meaning but all convey the same idea of something standing out in a noticeable way. When looking for an alternative to "jump out at," consider the context and choose the synonym that best fits the tone and intention of the message being conveyed.

Synonyms for Jump out at:

What are the hypernyms for Jump out at?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

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