What is another word for jumping on the bandwagon?

Pronunciation: [d͡ʒˈʌmpɪŋ ɒnðə bˈandwaɡən] (IPA)

Jumping on the bandwagon means to follow or support a popular trend or opinion without real conviction or understanding. There are several synonyms for this phrase, including conforming, mimicking, copying, following suit, imitating, and going along with the crowd. These terms all imply a lack of independent thought or judgment, and suggest that someone is simply following what others are doing to fit in or avoid standing out. It's important to be aware of these tendencies and make decisions based on your own values and beliefs, rather than blindly following what everyone else is doing.

Synonyms for Jumping on the bandwagon:

What are the hypernyms for Jumping on the bandwagon?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.
  • Other hypernyms:

    Conforming to a trend, Fashion hopping, Following trends, Joining a movement, Leaping onto a trend, Mass conformity, Trend hopping.

Related words: bandwagon effect, jumping on the bandwagon with, jumping on the bandwagon of, jumping on the bandwagon, when to jump on the bandwagon

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