What is another word for lefty?

Pronunciation: [lˈɛfti] (IPA)

Lefty is a commonly used slang term for someone who is left-handed. However, there are many synonyms for this term, which are used in different regions and cultures around the world. Some of the most common synonyms for lefty include southpaw, cack-handed, gaucherie, gauche, sinister, and left-footed. In the sports world, left-handed athletes are often referred to as lefties, but they may also be called left-handers or left-handed players. Additionally, left-handed people may be referred to as lefties when discussing their political views or beliefs, although terms like liberal or progressive are also commonly used. Overall, the word lefty has many synonyms that can be used to describe left-handed individuals in a variety of contexts.

Synonyms for Lefty:

What are the paraphrases for Lefty?

Paraphrases are restatements of text or speech using different words and phrasing to convey the same meaning.
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What are the hypernyms for Lefty?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the hyponyms for Lefty?

Hyponyms are more specific words categorized under a broader term, known as a hypernym.

What are the opposite words for lefty?

The term "lefty" typically refers to someone who is left-handed. However, there are several antonyms for this word that can be used to describe people who are right-handed, ambidextrous, or simply not left-handed. Some examples of antonyms for lefty include righty, dexter, and ambidexter. Righty refers to someone who uses their right hand dominantly, whereas dexter is a Latin term meaning "right-handed". Ambidexter describes someone who is equally skilled with both hands, and may use either hand for different tasks. These antonyms can be useful in a variety of contexts, from medical discussions of hand dominance to everyday language use.

Usage examples for Lefty

Because the public knew nothing of "lefty" Louie, or "Gyp the Blood," or even of the late Lieutenant Becker, it was common gossip that the criminals lurked in the neighborhood, and that, in order to avoid suspicion, they would appear among the chief mourners.
"The Log of a Noncombatant"
Horace Green
I've noticed one thing, my dear lefty, two's best anyhow.
"Andiron Tales"
John Kendrick Bangs
"No, he wasn't," returned lefty.
"Andiron Tales"
John Kendrick Bangs

Famous quotes with Lefty

  • I am a lefty, though I bat right-handed... When I was a kid I pitched, played first, outfield and shortstop as well. Now it's mainly softball with some friends.
    Josh Charles
  • I taught myself how to play when I was about 13. I'm a lefty.
    Jules Shear

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