What is another word for let stay?

Pronunciation: [lˈɛt stˈe͡ɪ] (IPA)

The phrase "let stay" implies allowing something to remain or exist in a certain place or state, and there are a variety of synonyms that can be used in place of this phrase. Words such as "permit to remain," "allow to stay," "leave in place," "retain," and "keep in position" can all convey the same meaning. Other synonyms include "maintain," "preserve," "sustain," and "uphold." These terms suggest a more active involvement in keeping things in their current state, rather than simply allowing them to be. In any case, there are many different ways to express the idea of letting something stay put or remain as it is.

Synonyms for Let stay:

What are the hypernyms for Let stay?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the opposite words for let stay?

The phrase "let stay" implies allowing something to remain in place or continue in a particular state. Some antonyms for this phrase would be "remove," "evict," "dismiss," "expel," or "oust." These words describe actions that involve actively pushing something out or away. Other antonyms could be "change," "alter," "shift," "transform," or "modify," which suggest a desire to adjust or manipulate a situation. "Stop," "halt," "prevent," and "discontinue" might also be considered antonyms, as they describe actions that disrupt or put an end to something. Overall, there are many antonyms to "let stay," each describing a different approach to handling a particular situation.

What are the antonyms for Let stay?

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