We often hear the phrases like "Universe is telling me with signs" or "karma is calling" or "kismet making connection" or "serendipity" or "chance" or"coincidence" and so on, whenever people refer to an unexpected life-changing event or a major scientific breakthrough that happened as an unintended consequence of otherwise normal course of actions. As a Scientist, I do think that any new invention doesn't happen by chance alone, as it may appear at the outset. Deeper analysis always reveals that any notable invention is almost alwaysa result of the synergistic meeting of statistical probability with well planned strategy, i. e. it's a combination of uncertainty with certainty that occurs at right time in right place. As Louis Pasteur said it 'Dans les champs de l'observation le hasard ne favorise que les esprits préparés.' meaning 'In the field of observations, chance favors theprepared mind.' So, keep your mind alert and well prepared at all times, because you never know when Serendipity would visit you, or when Universe would tap on your shoulder to give you the signs. Only your prepared mind would enable you to welcome wonderful Serendipity and understand the subtle signs sent to you by Universe.
Deodatta V. Shenai-Khatkhate