What is another word for like clockwork?

Pronunciation: [lˈa͡ɪk klˈɒkwɜːk] (IPA)

When something happens "like clockwork," it occurs with precision and regularity, like the steady ticking of a clock. Synonyms for this phrase include "regularly," "consistently," "systematically," "steadily," "reliably," "routinely," and "predictably." These words suggest that an action or event happens at predictable intervals, without fail or interruption. Other similar phrases include "like a well-oiled machine," "on schedule," "without fail," and "like clockwork precision." These expressions indicate a sense of orderliness and dependability, conveying a sense of confidence and trustworthiness. In other words, when something happens "like clockwork," it inspires a sense of reliability and dependability.

What are the opposite words for like clockwork?

The phrase "like clockwork" is often used to describe something that happens with precise regularity and reliability. However, if we were to look for antonyms for this phrase, we could consider words like "chaotic," "erratic," "sporadic," or "unpredictable." These terms describe situations where timing and consistency are lacking, and things can happen at any time without warning. "Like a surprise," "on a whim," or "with random frequency" could be alternative phrases to describe activities that do not happen like clockwork. Regardless of the antonym, having regularity and dependability in our routines can bring a sense of calm and organization to our lives.

What are the antonyms for Like clockwork?

  • adv.


Famous quotes with Like clockwork

  • Sometimes movie-making happens like clockwork; other times, like a car accident.
    Eric Roberts
  • Order is not universal. In fact, many chaologists and physicists posit that universal laws are more flexible than first realized, and less rigid—operating in spurts, jumps, and leaps, instead of like clockwork. Chaos prevails over rules and systems because it has the freedom of infinite complexity over the known, unknown, and the unknowable.
    L. K. Samuels

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