What is another word for makes appearance?

Pronunciation: [mˌe͡ɪks ɐpˈi͡əɹəns] (IPA)

There are various synonyms for the phrase "makes appearance" that can be used depending on the context. For instance, the word "emerges" is a term that is often used to refer to a sudden appearance, especially when something previously unseen appears. Another word commonly used in this context is "appears", which implies a more gradual or anticipated arrival of something. Another synonym that can be used to convey the idea of "makes appearance" is "shows up", which denotes a casual or informal arrival of something or someone. "Enters" is also another relevant word that can be used to describe the arrival of someone or something in a location or a situation.

What are the hypernyms for Makes appearance?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the opposite words for makes appearance?

The phrase "makes appearance" indicates that someone or something has suddenly become visible or has arrived. Antonyms for it include vanishing, departing, disappearing, and evanescing. These words imply a state of absence or nonexistence. Conversely, other antonyms that indicate a gradual or intentional appearance are emerging, materializing, and manifesting. The context in which the phrase is used determines what antonyms are appropriate. For example, one might say that a celebrity made an appearance at a charity event or that a magician made a dove disappear during a show. Being aware of antonyms expands one's vocabulary and enables the speaker or writer to convey their intended meaning more precisely.

What are the antonyms for Makes appearance?

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