What is another word for makes plausible?

Pronunciation: [mˌe͡ɪks plˈɔːzəbə͡l] (IPA)

When it comes to expressing that something is believable or credible, there are a variety of synonyms for the phrase "makes plausible." Some common alternatives include words like "persuasive," "convincing," and "credible." Other options might include phrases like "rings true," "seems reasonable," or "appears authentic." In some cases, the word "justifies" could also be used to suggest that something is reasonable or logical. Depending on the context and the level of emphasis necessary, there may be dozens of different ways to express the idea of something being believable or appearing to be true.

What are the hypernyms for Makes plausible?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the opposite words for makes plausible?

Antonyms for "makes plausible" include "debunks," "disproves," "refutes," "repudiates," "undermines," and "discredits." These words carry the opposite meaning of "makes plausible," by implying that the idea or argument being presented is either false, invalid or lacks credibility. These antonyms are commonly used in academic research, journalistic investigations, and legal proceedings, where the accuracy and validity of information presented are crucial. By using antonyms to "makes plausible," one can provide a broader and more nuanced understanding of the various possibilities in a given argument or debate. In this way, these antonyms add to intellectual discourse, promote critical thinking, and help establish truth and clarity.

What are the antonyms for Makes plausible?

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