What is another word for more advocated?

Pronunciation: [mˈɔːɹ ˈadvəkˌe͡ɪtɪd] (IPA)

When it comes to expressing support for a particular idea or cause, there are numerous synonyms for the phrase "more advocated." Some popular options include "strongly recommended," "highly encouraged," "vociferously supported," "firmly endorsed," "emphatically promoted," and "ardently recommended." Other synonyms for this phrase might include "heavily pushed," "intensely championed," "zealously favored," "vehemently encouraged," and "deeply committed to." Ultimately, the exact synonym you choose will depend on the context in which you are speaking or writing, as well as the level of emphasis or emotional resonance you want to convey.

What are the hypernyms for More advocated?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.
  • Other hypernyms:

    to support, to recommend, to encourage, To Back, To Champion, To advocate, To endorse, To promote, To propagandize, To uphold.

What are the opposite words for more advocated?

The antonyms for the word "more advocated" includes phrases such as "less supported," "less recommended," and "less endorsed." These terms suggest that there is a lack of enthusiasm or conviction behind a particular idea or action. Other antonyms could include "less popular," "less desired," or "less favored." These words indicate that there is not widespread agreement or interest in something. It is important to consider antonyms when discussing a topic to understand all sides of the issue and fully comprehend the range of opinions and perspectives.

What are the antonyms for More advocated?

Related words: more supported, more in favor, more supported iphones, more favored, advocated by

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