What is another word for more cupped?

Pronunciation: [mˈɔː kˈʌpt] (IPA)

The phrase "more cupped" refers to something that is shaped like a cup, or has a concave form. Some synonyms for this term can include "hollowed", "scooped", "dished", "sunken", or "recessed". These words all convey a similar sense of a surface that is curved or indented in shape. Another way to describe something that is more cupped might be to use words like "rounded", "curved", or "bulging". These terms suggest a sense of a surface that is more curved or arched than flat. Depending on the context, there may be other words that are more appropriate to use as synonyms for "more cupped".

What are the hypernyms for More cupped?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the opposite words for more cupped?

The word "more cupped" refers to something that is curved or concave. The antonym for this would be something that is flat or convex. Objects that are flat do not have a curvy shape or indentation. This could include items like a straight glass, a smooth table surface, or a level floor. On the other hand, an object that is convex has a curved surface that bulges outward. Examples of convex objects could include a sphere, a hillside, or a person's belly. Understanding antonyms for words like "more cupped" can help expand one's vocabulary, and develop better communication skills.

What are the antonyms for More cupped?

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