What is another word for more gutted?

Pronunciation: [mˈɔː ɡˈʌtɪd] (IPA)

When something goes wrong, and we feel disappointed or upset, we may use the phrase "more gutted" to express the intensity of our emotions. There are many synonyms for this phrase that can be used instead, depending on the context and the level of emotion involved. Some options include "heartbroken," "devastated," "crushed," "despondent," and "bereft." "Shattered," "wrecked," "ruined," and "mauled" can also be used to convey a similar level of pain and disappointment. Ultimately, the choice of words will depend on the speaker's personal style and the situation at hand, but these options offer a range of alternatives to help express a feeling of profound loss or disappointment.

What are the hypernyms for More gutted?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the antonyms for More gutted?

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