What is another word for more high power?

Pronunciation: [mˈɔː hˈa͡ɪ pˈa͡ʊə] (IPA)

When it comes to describing a device or a machine, "more high power" can be replaced with several synonyms. Some of the common options include words like "stronger," "more potent," "more robust," "more forceful," and "more efficient." These words imply that the device in question can deliver more power output than its counterparts. Other synonyms for "more high power" include "more energetic," "more intense," and "more powerful," all of which suggest that the device has more capacity and is suitable for more demanding tasks. In summary, there are many synonyms for "more high power," and the choice of words depends entirely on the context in which they are used.

Synonyms for More high power:

What are the hypernyms for More high power?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the opposite words for more high power?

The antonyms of the word 'more high power' can be 'less low power'. It signifies that the power or intensity of something is reduced or diminished. It's an opposite concept of 'more high power' which denotes a greater level of energy or force. The term 'less low power' can be used in instances where the lower amount of energy is sufficient to get the job done efficiently, or where less energy is required to complete a task. In contrast, 'more high power' could be utilized in situations that require a greater level of energy than usual. By understanding the antonyms of 'more high power', we can accurately describe and evaluate the power levels of different objects and devices.

What are the antonyms for More high power?

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