What is another word for more ruffian?

Pronunciation: [mˈɔː ɹˈʌfi͡ən] (IPA)

When searching for synonyms for the word "more ruffian," several alternatives come to mind. Some of these include: 1. Thug 2. Hoodlum 3. Bully 4. Hooligan 5. Rogue 6. Rowdy 7. Tough 8. Bandit 9. Brute 10. Criminal Each of these words carries a level of aggression and lack of respect for authority, making them suitable alternatives for "more ruffian." Whether looking for a term to describe a troublesome individual or a character in a book or film, these synonyms can add depth and complexity to one's vocabulary.

What are the hypernyms for More ruffian?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the opposite words for more ruffian?

The antonyms for the word "more ruffian" would be words that suggest calmness, peacefulness, and gentleness. These antonyms could include terms like refined, polished, courteous, cultured, sophisticated, or suave. These terms describe someone who is composed, graceful, and well-mannered. Additionally, an antonym of "more ruffian" could be "civilized" or "cultured." Such words refer to someone who has good manners or is well-educated. Other antonyms could include "chivalrous," "gentlemanly," or "soft-spoken." Ultimately, these antonyms provide a contrast to the roughness and boorishness implied by the term "more ruffian.

What are the antonyms for More ruffian?

Semantically related words: more rough, more ruff, more rude


  • What is the meaning of more ruffian?
  • How to pronounce more ruffian?
  • How to spell more ruffian?
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