What is another word for more socialistic?

Pronunciation: [mˈɔː sˈə͡ʊʃə͡lˈɪstɪk] (IPA)

The term "more socialistic" refers to a political and economic system that prioritizes collective ownership and control of resources and wealth distribution. If you are looking for synonyms for this term, you may consider using phrases such as "more socialist," "more community-oriented," or "more egalitarian." Some other relevant words and phrases may include "left-leaning," "progressive," "redistributive," "cooperative," "communal," "public-minded," "welfare-state," and "anti-capitalist." Depending on the context, these synonyms may be more precise or nuanced than the term "more socialistic," and can help convey the specific ideas and values you want to convey in your writing or speech.

What are the hypernyms for More socialistic?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the opposite words for more socialistic?

The term "more socialistic" implies a perspective that leans towards the communal ownership of resources and the equitable distribution of wealth. Antonyms for this concept may include "capitalistic" which pertains to an economic system driven by individual ownership and profit-making. Another antonym could be "individualistic" which prioritizes individual autonomy and self-reliance over collective action. "Conservative" could be another suitable antonym for "more socialistic" as it emphasizes maintaining traditions and resisting radical change. Lastly, "reactionary" may also be an antonym as it emphasizes a regressive view that opposes progress towards social and economic equality. Ultimately, the choice of antonym depends on the context in which the term is used.

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