What is another word for most assentive?

Pronunciation: [mˈə͡ʊst ɐsˈɛntɪv] (IPA)

The phrase "most assentive" can be replaced by several synonyms that convey the same meaning. For instance, the word "agreeable" is a perfect substitute for "most assentive" as it signifies a willingness to agree or comply. Another option is to use "conciliatory," which implies a desire to make peace and avoid conflict. Similarly, "compliant" and "obedient" can be used interchangeably with "most assentive," as they denote a readiness to follow instructions or adhere to rules. Additionally, "acquiescent" and "submissive" can also be used in place of "most assentive," as they suggest a yielding attitude. Therefore, depending on the context, any of these synonyms can be used to replace "most assentive".

Synonyms for Most assentive:

What are the hypernyms for Most assentive?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

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