What is another word for most bad-smelling?

Pronunciation: [mˈə͡ʊst bˈadsmˈɛlɪŋ] (IPA)

There are several synonyms for the phrase "most bad-smelling," including "foul-smelling," "malodorous," "putrid," "rank," and "noisome." These words all describe extremely unpleasant odors that can be offensive to the senses. Some other options include "stench-filled," "offensive," "nauseating," and "sickening." These words are useful when describing something that smells particularly foul or when trying to convey the intensity of an unpleasant odor. When choosing a synonym, it's important to consider the context and the degree of the smell. Overall, there are many ways to express the concept of "most bad-smelling" using different words or phrases.

What are the hypernyms for Most bad-smelling?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the opposite words for most bad-smelling?

The word 'most bad-smelling' can be described through several antonyms, including fragrant, sweet-smelling, pleasant, nice, and fresh. Antonyms can be used to create a contrast and explain the opposite of a word's meaning. 'Fragrant' is a pleasant and sweet smell, which is the antonym of 'most bad-smelling,' which represents a foul smell. Similarly, 'pleasant' and 'nice' represent pleasing sensations, while 'fresh' refers to that which is clean and pure. Antonyms offer a richer and more comprehensive understanding of a word's meaning by highlighting its opposite. It is significant to understand antonyms to expand one's language skills and literary repertoire.

What are the antonyms for Most bad-smelling?

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