What is another word for out-wore?

Pronunciation: [ˈa͡ʊtwˈɔː] (IPA)

The word "out-wore" refers to the state of being exhausted by overuse or overexertion. Synonyms for this term can be "exhausted", "fatigued", "worn out", "spent," "weary", "depleted", "dog-tired", "sapped", and "drained". It describes the feeling of being completely used up and physically or mentally depleted. This state can be caused by various factors, such as stress, overwork, or lack of sleep. The synonyms of "out-wore" highlight the importance of taking care of oneself and taking breaks to recharge. It occurs when we push ourselves too hard and need to take a step back to avoid burnout. It is essential to recognize and acknowledge when you are feeling "out-wore" to prioritize your well-being.

What are the hypernyms for Out-wore?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the opposite words for out-wore?

Out-wore means to become exhausted or worn out. To describe the opposite of out-wore, we can use antonyms such as refreshed, rejuvenated, revitalized, energized, reinvigorated, and invigorated. These words imply a state of being replenished, revitalized with new energy, and ready to keep going. Refreshed means to feel renewed and reinvigorated after getting enough rest or sleep. Rejuvenated implies the restoration of youthfulness, while revitalized indicates a general sense of being restored to full vitality. Energized and invigorated imply a sense of vigor and vigor in both the mind and body. These antonyms help to convey a sense of being rested, rejuvenated, and ready to take life head-on.

What are the antonyms for Out-wore?

Semantically related words: overworked, exhausted, overworked to death, overworked and underpaid, work too hard, work a lot

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