What is another word for overpromoted?

Pronunciation: [ˌə͡ʊvəpɹəmˈə͡ʊtɪd] (IPA)

Overpromoted refers to someone who has been given a job or position that they are not qualified for or do not have the necessary skills for. There are various synonyms for overpromoted, such as overrated, overvalued, overhyped, and overestimated. Each of these terms implies that someone is given too much credit or praise for something that they do not deserve. Another synonym for overpromoted is "inflated," which suggests that someone's skills or abilities have been exaggerated to make them seem more impressive than they really are. Whatever the term used, being overpromoted can lead to a lack of confidence and negatively affect the individual's job performance.

Synonyms for Overpromoted:

What are the hypernyms for Overpromoted?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

Related words: overdressed, overpriced, overrated, overrated tv show

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