What is another word for pair of virginals?

Pronunciation: [pˈe͡əɹ ɒv vɜːd͡ʒˈa͡ɪnə͡lz] (IPA)

A pair of virginals is a type of keyboard musical instrument that became particularly popular during the Renaissance and Baroque periods. The word 'virginals' refers to the instrument's ability to produce pure tones - reminiscent of the purity of a virgin's voice. However, there are many other terms used to describe this instrument. Synonyms for 'pair of virginals' include harpsichord, clavicytherium, spinet, and clavichord. While each of these instruments share similarities to the virginal, they have distinct differences in their design and sound. Whether referring to a pair of virginals or one of its synonyms, their unique sound and historical importance continue to captivate music enthusiasts around the world.

Synonyms for Pair of virginals:

What are the hypernyms for Pair of virginals?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the hyponyms for Pair of virginals?

Hyponyms are more specific words categorized under a broader term, known as a hypernym.

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