What is another word for Pecunious?

Pronunciation: [pɛkjˈuːnɪəs] (IPA)

Pecunious, the adjective that refers to someone with an abundance of financial resources, has a bevy of synonyms. Wealthy, affluent, prosperous, well-to-do, and rich are just a few of the synonyms for pecunious. Other synonyms include moneyed, flush, loaded, and opulent. These words emphasize the idea of having a lot of money and the power that comes with it. Synonyms for pecunious can also encompass more specific ideas, such as financially successful, well-off, and comfortable. Whatever the word choice, it's clear that pecunious people have the means to navigate the world with more ease than the most of us.

Synonyms for Pecunious:

What are the hypernyms for Pecunious?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the opposite words for Pecunious?

Pecunious is an adjective that means having a lot of money or wealthy. The antonyms for this word include penniless, bankrupt, impoverished, destitute, indigent, and insolvent. These words are used to describe people who are financially struggling or lack money. Penniless refers to a complete lack of money, while bankrupt means someone who has been declared insolvent and cannot pay their debts. Impoverished and destitute refer to a state of extreme poverty, and indigent refers to someone who is in need of basic necessities such as food and shelter. Finally, the word insolvent describes someone who cannot pay their debts and may be forced to file for bankruptcy.

What are the antonyms for Pecunious?

Usage examples for Pecunious

The wide social gulf between them-between a beautiful American heiress with the entry into all circles of aristocratic society, except the highest, and an only decently Pecunious medical student, caught both of them off their guard.
"The Real Adventure"
Henry Kitchell Webster

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