What is another word for played jokes?

Pronunciation: [plˈe͡ɪd d͡ʒˈə͡ʊks] (IPA)

There are numerous synonyms for the phrase "played jokes," each with its own unique connotation. For example, "pranked" emphasizes the mischievous or even harmful nature of the joke, while "teased" suggests a more lighthearted or playful joke. "Tricked" implies that the jokester has successfully misled someone, while "fooled," "hoaxed," and "bamboozled" all suggest a more elaborate deception. "Jested" and "bantered" are more refined alternatives for a humorous exchange, while "mocked" may have a more critical or mean-spirited undertone. Ultimately, the choice of synonym will depend on the context and the desired tone of the message.

Synonyms for Played jokes:

What are the hypernyms for Played jokes?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the opposite words for played jokes?

The antonyms for the phrase "played jokes" could be described as being serious, sincere, or earnest. When one is serious, they do not engage in playful or teasing behavior. They are focused on the task at hand and do not divert their attention to pranks or jokes. Being sincere or earnest implies that there is no intention to deceive or mislead others. These words suggest that a person is straightforward, honest, and trustworthy. In contrast, "played jokes" carries the connotation of being lighthearted and humorous, with no malicious intent. Antonyms for this phrase convey a different tone, highlighting a sense of responsibility and honesty instead of playfulness.

What are the antonyms for Played jokes?

  • v.

    cut up
    • be serious
    • .

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