What is another word for plighted troth?

Pronunciation: [plˈa͡ɪtɪd tɹˈɒθ] (IPA)

"Plighted troth" is a phrase that refers to a solemn promise or vow made between two individuals who have decided to get married or commit to each other in a serious relationship. There are several synonyms that can be used to describe this concept. Some of these include "engaged," "committed," "sworn oath," "betrothed," "pledged love," "faithful devotion," and "mutual commitment." Each of these synonyms carries a slightly different connotation, but all refer to the same heartfelt promise two people make to each other. Whatever term is used, it represents a deep and meaningful bond between two people who intend to share their lives together.

Synonyms for Plighted troth:

What are the hypernyms for Plighted troth?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the opposite words for plighted troth?

Antonyms for "plighted troth" could include words like "uncommitted," "dissolved," or "unengaged." Whereas "plighted troth" suggests a serious and committed pledge or vow, an antonym might describe a lack of commitment or a broken promise. Other antonyms for "plighted troth" might include words like "fickleness," "inconstancy," or "infidelity," which describe the opposite of commitment and loyalty. Whatever the antonym, it would describe a complete lack of the dedication and devotion that are implied by the phrase "plighted troth.

What are the antonyms for Plighted troth?

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