What is another word for poke nose into?

Pronunciation: [pˈə͡ʊk nˈə͡ʊz ˌɪntʊ] (IPA)

The phrase "poke nose into" can have negative connotations as it implies meddling or interfering in someone else's business. However, there are several synonyms that can convey similar meanings with varying degrees of formality. "Prying" and "intruding" are very strong and direct, while "inquisitive" and "curious" might be seen as more neutral or even positive in some contexts. "Meddling" and "interfering" are also similar, but with a slightly more negative connotation. "Butting in" and "sticking one's nose in" are informal idioms that convey a similar meaning. Ultimately, the appropriate synonym depends on the situation and the relationship between the people involved.

What are the hypernyms for Poke nose into?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the opposite words for poke nose into?

The phrase 'poke nose into' refers to the act of meddling or interfering in someone else's business without being invited or welcomed. Antonyms for this phrase would be terms that describe behavior that is respectful of other people's privacy and boundaries. For instance, 'mind your own business' is an antonym for 'poke nose into' since it implies that you should refrain from getting involved in other people's affairs. 'Respect someone's privacy' is another antonym as it underscores the idea that you shouldn't pry into other people's personal lives. Finally, 'stay out of it' also functions as an antonym as it suggests that you shouldn't become involved in something that has nothing to do with you.

What are the antonyms for Poke nose into?

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