What is another word for presumptive evidence?

Pronunciation: [pɹɪsˈʌmptɪv ˈɛvɪdəns] (IPA)

Presumptive evidence is a term often used in legal contexts to refer to evidence that suggests or appears to prove a fact, but may not be a definitive proof. Some synonyms for presumptive evidence include circumstantial evidence, indirect evidence, inferential evidence, corroborative evidence, and prima facie evidence. Circumstantial evidence involves facts that surround an event, while indirect evidence requires interpretation or inference. Inferential evidence is based on logic and reasoning, while corroborative evidence supports other evidence already presented. Prima facie evidence is evidence that is sufficient on its face but subject to contradiction or rebuttal. Understanding these synonyms for presumptive evidence can help lawyers and judges analyze and interpret evidence in legal cases.

What are the hypernyms for Presumptive evidence?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

Famous quotes with Presumptive evidence

  • Post-Watergate morality, by which anything left private is taken as presumptive evidence of wrongdoing.
    Charles Krauthammer
  • The truth seems to be, that like many other geniuses, this Man of Mosses takes great delight in hoodwinking the world, — at least, with respect to himself. Personally, I doubt not, that he rather prefers to be generally esteemed but a so-so sort of author; being willing to reserve the thorough and acute appreciation of what he is, to that party most qualified to judge — that is, to himself. Besides, at the bottom of their natures, men like Hawthorne, in many things, deem the plaudits of the public such strong presumptive evidence of mediocrity in the object of them, that it would in some degree render them doubtful of their own powers, did they hear much and vociferous braying concerning them in the public
    Herman Melville

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