What is another word for prizefight?

Pronunciation: [pɹˈa͡ɪzfa͡ɪt] (IPA)

The term "prizefight" refers to a boxing match that involves a monetary prize for the winner. Synonyms for this include "boxing match," "bout," "fight," "contest," and "ring match." "Boxing match" is the most commonly used term to describe a prizefight, while "bout" is often used in a more informal setting. "Fight" and "contest" are broader terms that can be used to describe any type of physical competition, while "ring match" specifically refers to a bout held in a boxing ring. Overall, the use of these synonyms largely depends on the context in which they are being used.

Synonyms for Prizefight:

What are the hypernyms for Prizefight?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the hyponyms for Prizefight?

Hyponyms are more specific words categorized under a broader term, known as a hypernym.
  • hyponyms for prizefight (as verbs)

Usage examples for Prizefight

Who could have guessed when she left my house she was on her way to a prizefight and a greengrocer's in Whitechapel.
"The Amazing Marriage, v3"
George Meredith Edition: 10 Language: English
How about a prizefight?
"One of Our Conquerors, Complete"
George Meredith Last Updated: March 7, 2009
And a prizefight would be a disgrace to Muirtown, would it?
"Young Barbarians"
Ian Maclaren

Famous quotes with Prizefight

  • It's a prizefight. Get off the stool, take your beating, go back to your corner, rest, and take a beating again. Believe in your own talent. Marry well.
    Bruce Paltrow

Related words: boxing match, boxer, prize fight, boxing video, best prize fighting

Related questions:

  • Who won the prizefight?
  • When was the prizefight?
  • How long does a prizefight last?
  • How much for a prizefight?
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