The larva and pupa undergo changes which have no relation to the form which the insect will ultimately assume.
"On the Origin and Metamorphoses of Insects"
Sir John Lubbock
In the same manner, if we examine a pupa which is about to disclose the butterfly, we find the future insect, soft indeed and imperfect, but still easily recognizable, lying more or less loosely within the pupa-skin.
"On the Origin and Metamorphoses of Insects"
Sir John Lubbock
The second stage is entered into within a few hours, and is passed within a silken cocoon, with which the white grub now surrounds itself, and with which, transformed to a pupa, it bides its time for about three weeks, as I now recall, when-third stage-out pops the mud cork, and the perfect wasp appears at the opening of the cell.
"My Studio Neighbors"
William Hamilton Gibson