At the time of the great catastrophe, it is represented that the splendid capital city of Sri-Lanka-Pura, which stood to the westward of any part of the present island, was engulfed, and disappeared forever.
"The Pearl of India"
Maturin M. Ballou
Is this connected, I wonder, with the strange attraction water has for certain kinds of wood, by which the water-finder, armed with a hazel wand, is able to divine the presence of aqua Pura hundreds of feet below the surface of the earth?
"A Cotswold Village"
J. Arthur Gibbs
Accordingly I quietly despatched my couple of bottles of acqua Pura per day, as the London lady drinkers are said to take their sly drops from the far corner of the cupboard, without the least suspicion of my fellow travellers.
"Travels in the Great Desert of Sahara, in the Years of 1845 and 1846"
James Richardson