What is another word for raised a few?

Pronunciation: [ɹˈe͡ɪzd ɐ fjˈuː] (IPA)

The phrase "raised a few" is usually used to refer to a small number of something. There are a number of great synonyms to use instead of "raised a few" that can make your writing more interesting and dynamic. Some alternative phrases include "a handful," "a smattering," "a scattering," "a sprinkling," "a smidge," and "a couple of." These words are perfect for expressing a modest or limited quantity of something, while adding a bit of flair to your writing. Whether you're writing a story, an essay, or a blog post, these synonyms will make your work more engaging and exciting to read.

What are the hypernyms for Raised a few?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the opposite words for raised a few?

The phrase "raised a few" usually refers to raising a few glasses in a toast or celebration. Antonyms for this phrase could be "abstained from drinking," "refrained from toasting," or "ignored the occasion." If someone raised a few glasses sarcastically, antonyms could be "mocked the occasion," "disparaged the celebration," or "made light of the event." Another antonym could be "observed the occasion somberly" if the occasion was reflective or solemn. Ultimately, there are many antonyms that could be used for "raised a few" depending on the context and tone of the situation.

What are the antonyms for Raised a few?

Related words:

- raised some questions,

- raised some questions about,

- raised some questions to be answered,

- what are some questions raised by,

- what are some questions raised with respect to

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