After I had been a short time in this employ, I received an order to prepare for my departure for Nagpore, in the service of his highness the rajah.
"Narrative of a Voyage to India; of a Shipwreck on board the Lady Castlereagh; and a Description of New South Wales"
W. B. Cramp
But he had good advisers to help his natural shrewdness, and finding that his adoption of our costume found favour with his English allies, he adhered to it rigorously, as far as his position as sultan or rajah would allow.
"One Maid's Mischief"
George Manville Fenn
The rajah had been talking to her in his soft, pleasant English for some time before the gentlemen left the dining-room.
"One Maid's Mischief"
George Manville Fenn