What is another word for re minded?

Pronunciation: [ɹˌiː mˈa͡ɪndɪd] (IPA)

The term "re minded" refers to the act of prompting or reminding someone of something that they might have forgotten or overlooked. There are multiple synonyms for this word that can be used in different contexts. Some of the common synonyms of re minded include reminded, prompted, advised, informed, alerted, and notified. Each of these words represents a slightly different shade of meaning; for instance, "alerted" suggests an urgent or potentially dangerous situation, while "informed" implies a more neutral or informative message. Depending on the context and desired effect, using one of these synonyms instead of "re minded" can add nuance and precision to your communication.

Synonyms for Re minded:

What are the hypernyms for Re minded?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

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