What is another word for reigning over?

Pronunciation: [ɹˈe͡ɪnɪŋ ˈə͡ʊvə] (IPA)

When it comes to synonyms for the word "reigning over", there are plenty of options. Some popular alternatives include "dominating", "commanding", "ruling", "governing", "controlling" and "presiding over. These terms all convey a sense of authority and power, indicating that someone is in charge and leading others. Other options may include "mastery", "supremacy", "hegemony" or "sovereignty", which all reflect a strong sense of control and dominance. No matter which synonym you choose, it's important to consider the context in which it is being used and the implications it may have for your intended audience.

What are the opposite words for reigning over?

The phrase "reigning over" implies a position of power or authority. Antonyms for this phrase would include words like submitting, obeying, yielding, and deferring. Submitting is the act of yielding to a person or group in authority, while obeying implies compliance with someone else's commands. Yielding means to give way to a superior force, while deferring is showing respect by yielding to someone else's wishes or opinions. In contrast to the phrase "reigning over," these words suggest a lack of power or authority and indicate a willingness to subordinate oneself to others.

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