What is another word for rend from?

Pronunciation: [ɹˈɛnd fɹɒm] (IPA)

The phrase "rend from" refers to the act of tearing or pulling something forcefully. It's often used in a figurative sense to describe emotional or psychological pain. Some synonyms for "rend from" include "tear apart", "rip away", "separate violently", and "split asunder". Other possible alternatives could be "shatter", "disintegrate", "fracture", "destroy", or "dismantle." Each of these synonyms emphasizes the force or violence involved in the act of tearing or pulling apart, which conveys the intense emotional or psychological turmoil associated with the phrase "rend from".

What are the hypernyms for Rend from?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

Related words: rend from a book, rend from a movie

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