What is another word for running off the mouth?

Pronunciation: [ɹˈʌnɪŋ ˈɒf ðə mˈa͡ʊθ] (IPA)

"Running off the mouth" can be described using many synonyms, which convey the same meaning but in different ways. Some common synonyms for this phrase include "blabbermouth," "yapping," "jabbering," "flapping," "rambling," and "babbling." These terms emphasize the idea of talking excessively, often without much thought or consideration for others. Other synonyms include "gossiping," "chattering," "ranting," "prattling," and "spouting." These words convey a sense of someone talking without listening or engaging with their audience. Together, these synonyms highlight the negative aspects of talking too much, without thought or awareness of how your words impact others.

What are the hypernyms for Running off the mouth?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the opposite words for running off the mouth?

The phrase "running off the mouth" refers to someone who talks excessively, often saying things that are inappropriate or unnecessary. The antonyms for this phrase would be someone who is reserved or shy, avoids talking excessively or speaks with purposeful intent. These people are considered to be more thoughtful and deliberate in their speech, often taking time to consider their words carefully. Other antonyms for "running off the mouth" could include someone who is discreet, careful, thoughtful, or laconic. In general, these individuals tend to be more hesitant to share their thoughts and may choose to keep their opinions to themselves unless specifically asked.

What are the antonyms for Running off the mouth?

Related words: run off at the mouth, go off on someone, go off on, go off like a loose cannon, go off in front of someone, go off on a tangent, run off at the mouth with someone

## Definitions

-run off at the mouth: to say things impuls

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