What is another word for sequences?

Pronunciation: [sˈiːkwənsɪz] (IPA)

When it comes to writing, sometimes using the same words repeatedly can become monotonous. It's important to have a good arsenal of synonyms to keep your writing fresh and interesting. Instead of using the word "sequences" over and over again, try using synonyms like "series," "chain," "succession," or "order." You could also use phrases like "string of events," "stream of occurrences," or "progression of steps." Finding synonyms for words like "sequences" can make your writing feel more dynamic and exciting, and can help keep readers engaged.

What are the paraphrases for Sequences?

Paraphrases are restatements of text or speech using different words and phrasing to convey the same meaning.
Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
- highest relevancy
- medium relevancy
- lowest relevancy

What are the hypernyms for Sequences?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

Usage examples for Sequences

In Arenta's life there will be sequences; let us hope that they will be happy ones.
"The Maid of Maiden Lane"
Amelia E. Barr
She paused as though trying to marshal the sequences of a difficult subject, then spoke impulsively: "Boone doesn't realize it," she said slowly.
"The Tempering"
Charles Neville Buck
If the final mark of truth is the presence to sense of the individual element, then science can consist only of items of information and probable generalizations concerning their sequences.
"The Approach to Philosophy"
Ralph Barton Perry

Famous quotes with Sequences

  • Throughout my career, when I was finished with the drawing for one film I would go up to the story department and help develop sequences. Sometimes these were for scenes that I would animate later on.
    Marc Davis
  • No, in Lethal Weapon I was a taxi cab driver that Mel jumps in front of the taxi and pulls me out of the car and steals the taxi. Then I did some other indie driving for some of the car sequences.
    David R. Ellis
  • I learned a lot about how to shoot and how to put together sequences.
    Renny Harlin
  • I did what we call dry for wet effects, some of the miniatures work and two animation sequences.
    John Hench
  • The cause-effect sequences in our brains are just as determining, just as inescapable, as anywhere else in Nature.
    Corliss Lamont

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