What is another word for shakes hands on?

Pronunciation: [ʃˈe͡ɪks hˈandz ˈɒn] (IPA)

The phrase "shakes hands on" signifies an agreement or a deal between two parties. However, there are numerous synonyms that can be used in place of this phrase to convey the same meaning, such as "seal the deal," "come to terms," "make an accord," "reach an understanding," or "conclude negotiations." Depending on the context, other synonymous phrases include "agree to," "commit to," "accept the terms," "reach a consensus," or "ratify an agreement." Using synonyms can add variety to your writing and help avoid repetition. When choosing synonyms, ensure that your intended meaning remains clear and concise.

Synonyms for Shakes hands on:

What are the hypernyms for Shakes hands on?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the opposite words for shakes hands on?

The phrase "shakes hands on" refers to two or more people agreeing on something and formalizing it with a handshake. The opposite of this phrase would be to "disagree" or "reject." Instead of shaking hands, people may "part ways" or "walk away" from the situation without any resolution. Another antonym for "shakes hands on" could be "void" or "cancel." This would suggest that the agreement has been nullified or reneged upon. Finally, the term "break" could also be used as an antonym for "shakes hands on." This more forcefully implies that the agreement has been violated or betrayed.

What are the antonyms for Shakes hands on?

Related words: shake hands agreement, shake hands on a deal meaning, shake hands on a deal with a person, shake hands agreement sample, shake hands agreement template, shake hands and make a deal, shake hands and make a deal meaning, shake hands agreement template

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