What is another word for skims off the top?

Pronunciation: [skˈɪmz ˈɒf ðə tˈɒp] (IPA)

The phrase "skims off the top" is commonly used to refer to taking the best or most valuable portion of something. There are several synonyms that can be used to express this idea. One possible alternative is "cherry-pick," which implies selecting only the best or most desirable items out of a group. Another synonym is "sift through," which suggests carefully examining a group of items to find the most valuable ones. "Culls" can also be used as a synonym for "skims off the top," implying the removal of inferior or undesirable parts to reveal the most valuable portion. Other options could include "weeding out," "sorting through," or "picking through".

Synonyms for Skims off the top:

What are the hypernyms for Skims off the top?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.
  • Other hypernyms:

    Abstain/Omit/Neglect, Collect/Gather/Acquire, Remove/Take/Extract.

Related words: skim off the top, skim the money off, take money off the top, take money off the top of, skimmed off the top, skimmed money off the top, how to skim money off the top of a business

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