What is another word for Slipperily?

Pronunciation: [slˈɪpəɹilɪ] (IPA)

The word "slipperily" describes a surface or substance that is slippery or slick. There are many synonyms for this word, including "slick," "smooth," "oily," "greasy," "icy," "waxy," and "glazed." Each of these words conveys a slightly different meaning, but all of them suggest a surface that is difficult to walk or stand on safely. Other synonyms for "slipperily" might include "treacherous," "dangerous," "hazardous," "tricky," or "perilous." These words apply not only to physical surfaces, but also to situations or circumstances that are difficult to navigate without making mistakes or encountering unexpected obstacles.

Synonyms for Slipperily:

What are the hypernyms for Slipperily?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the opposite words for Slipperily?

Slipperily is an adjective that means something is smooth, slick, or difficult to grip. Antonyms for slipperily include words like rough, coarse, firm, stable, and secure. It's essential to understand that the choice of antonym for any word depends on the context in which it is used. In some situations, the opposite of slipperily could be firm or secure, while in other scenarios, the opposite could be rough or coarse. It is important to choose the right antonyms for slipperily based on the idea one intends to convey. Using the appropriate antonym can help provide a more accurate description and convey a clear message to the reader or listener.

What are the antonyms for Slipperily?

Related words: slipperiness, slipperiness meaning, slipperiness in physics, slippery slope, slippery when wet, slipperiness wiki, slipperiness of a surface, slipperiness of graphite

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