What is another word for smoke signal?

Pronunciation: [smˈə͡ʊk sˈɪɡnə͡l] (IPA)

Smoke signal is a method of communication that has been used for centuries, especially by native tribes. However, there are various synonyms for this term that can be used for communication methods beyond the conventional ones. Some of the alternatives include beacon, flare, torch, and signal fire. These terms are popularly used in different settings, especially in maritime communication, search-and-rescue missions, and military operations. Other synonyms include smokestack, chimney, and exhaust, which refer specifically to the smoke emitted from chimneys or engines. Overall, the use of synonyms for smoke signal can be helpful in effective communication across various contexts and also add creativity to the language used.

Synonyms for Smoke signal:

What are the hypernyms for Smoke signal?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

Related words: smoke signal definition, smoke signals wikipedia, smoke signals fire safety, smoke signals meaning, how to make a smoke signal, what is a smoke signal, smoke signal machine, smoke signals smith

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