What is another word for stand on ceremony?

Pronunciation: [stˈand ˌɒn sˈɛɹɪmənɪ] (IPA)

"Stand on ceremony" refers to following strictly formal and traditional etiquette and norms. However, there are several synonyms to this phrase that can be used interchangeably. One such phrase is "Stickler for protocol," which refers to someone who relentlessly follows established rules and manners. Another synonymous phrase is "uphold decorum," which denotes maintaining a particular standard of behavior. "Uphold formality" and "Strict adherence to customs" are other synonyms for "Stand on ceremony." These synonyms are useful for expressing the same idea with a different level of formality, depending on the intended audience or context.

Synonyms for Stand on ceremony:

What are the hypernyms for Stand on ceremony?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.
  • Other hypernyms:

    observe protocol, adhere to etiquette, follow tradition.

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