What is another word for Strathspey?

Pronunciation: [stɹˈaθspɪ] (IPA)

Strathspey is a type of Scottish dance that originated in the Strathspey region of Scotland. It is characterized by its slow tempo and intricate footwork, and is widely known for its use of traditional Scottish instruments such as the fiddle and bagpipes. Synonyms for the word Strathspey might include terms such as "Highland dance," "Scottish step dance," or "traditional Scottish dance." Other possible synonyms could include "Ceilidh dance," which refers to a type of Scottish social gathering where Strathspey dances are often performed, or "reel," a similar type of Scottish dance that is often performed in conjunction with Strathspeys in traditional Scottish dance competitions.

What are the hypernyms for Strathspey?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.
  • Other hypernyms:

    dance, highland dance, traditional dance, Celtic dance, Scottish dance.

Usage examples for Strathspey

"Dinna think bonnie lassie, I'm goin' to leave you," I remember was his best; it is a Strathspey tune; I learned it from him.
"From Edinburgh to India & Burmah"
William G. Burn Murdoch
On the contrary, I am very fond of dancing; so fond, that I have often taken Aunt Nicky for my partner in a Strathspey rather than sit still-and, to confess my weakness, I should like very much to go to a ball."
Susan Edmonstone Ferrier
The girls, unacquainted with their own country's dances, preferred looking on, and after watching reel and Strathspey for some time, altogether declined attempting either.
"What's Mine's Mine V1"
George MacDonald

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