What is another word for to nauseating extremes?

Pronunciation: [tə nˈɔːsɪˌe͡ɪtɪŋ ɛkstɹˈiːmz] (IPA)

To express a sense of disgust or repulsion, there are many alternative phrases that can be used instead of "to nauseating extremes". One might say "to sickening degrees", "to revolting levels", "to appalling heights", or "to repugnant extremes". Alternatively, one might use language that suggests overwhelming unpleasantness, such as "to overwhelming disgust", "to intolerable nausea", or "to unbearable queasiness". These phrases can be used in a variety of contexts, from discussing a particularly unpleasant food or smell, to describing a revolting situation or behavior. Whatever the situation, there are many creative ways to express feelings of extreme aversion or contempt.

Synonyms for To nauseating extremes:

What are the hypernyms for To nauseating extremes?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

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