"To keeping Ministers 2. 4 2 Mugs tody 5. 10 5 Segars 3 1 Pint Wine 9 3 Lodgings 9 3 Bitters 9 3 Breakfasts 3. 6 15 boles Punch 1. 10 24 dinners 1. 16 11 bottles wine 3. 6 5 Mugs flip 5. 10 5 Boles Punch 6 3 Boles tody 3. 6" The bill is endorsed with unconscious humor, "This all paid for except the Ministers Rum."
"Stage-coach and Tavern Days"
Alice Morse Earle
tody-flycatchers of two species, yellow-breasted and streaked, were the commonest birds, and their little homes, like bits of tide-hung drift, swayed from the tips of the pimpler branches.
"Jungle Peace"
William Beebe
In the old days when he was doing the literature for the Barnum show, tody Hamilton would have made the best nominee I can think of.
"Roughing it De Luxe"
Irvin S. Cobb