What is another word for trespass on?

Pronunciation: [tɹˈɛspəs ˈɒn] (IPA)

Trespassing is a common issue that people face when others encroach on their private property or violate their rights. There are various ways to refer to this behavior, using different synonyms for the words "trespass on." These include words like intrude, invade, encroach, overstep, penetrate, impinge upon, infringe, violate, transgress, and encumber. Each of these words refers to the act of overstepping boundaries that could be physical, moral, or legal. Understanding these synonyms is crucial in expressing the impact of this behavior and communicating it to others effectively. By using these different synonyms, one can effectively convey the message of being violated or transgressed.

Synonyms for Trespass on:

What are the hypernyms for Trespass on?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

Famous quotes with Trespass on

  • The Southern emperor rules the Southern land. Our destiny is writ in Heaven's Book. How dare ye bandits trespass on our soil? Ye shall meet your undoing at our hands!
    Lý Thường Kiệt

Related words: trespassing laws, rules for trespassing, trespassing meaning, private property rights, trespassing sentence, trespassing charges, trespassing consequences, what is a trespass, laws against trespassing

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