What is another word for under-done?

Pronunciation: [ˌʌndədˈʌn] (IPA)

There are several synonyms available for the word "under-done". Some of the synonyms include rare, half-cooked, undercooked, pink, and undone. These words indicate that something is not cooked to the level of doneness it should be. For example, if meat is described as rare, it means that it was not cooked for a long time, and it is still pink and juicy inside. Similarly, half-cooked and undercooked indicate that something was cooked for a short time and needs to be cooked a bit more to reach the desired level of doneness. Overall, using synonyms for under-done can help provide a clearer description of the level of cooking.

What are the hypernyms for Under-done?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the opposite words for under-done?

The antonyms for the word "under-done" could include well-done, fully cooked, overcooked, burned, and charred. When it comes to preparing food, the term "under-done" implies that it has not been cooked enough or thoroughly, which can result in health risks or an unpleasant taste. In contrast, "well-done" indicates that the food has been cooked thoroughly and completely, ensuring that it is safe to eat and tastes delicious. Overcooked, burned, and charred all refer to food that has been cooked beyond the recommended time, leading to a dry or burnt consistency. Utilizing the appropriate antonym will assist in ensuring the food is cooked to perfection.

What are the antonyms for Under-done?

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