What is another word for unsuspecting?

Pronunciation: [ʌnsəspˈɛktɪŋ] (IPA)

When we think of the word unsuspecting, we often associate it with being caught off guard or unaware. To convey the same meaning in a different way, we can use synonyms such as naive, unsuspecting, oblivious, or unsuspected. These words all keep the same idea but add a different layer of description to it. Being naive or unsuspecting implies a lack of experience or understanding, while oblivious suggests a complete lack of awareness. Using these synonyms can add depth to your writing and help you avoid repetitive language. So, the next time you're looking for alternative ways to describe someone who is caught off guard, try using one of these synonyms instead of "unsuspecting".

Synonyms for Unsuspecting:

What are the paraphrases for Unsuspecting?

Paraphrases are restatements of text or speech using different words and phrasing to convey the same meaning.
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What are the hypernyms for Unsuspecting?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the opposite words for unsuspecting?

The word "unsuspecting" refers to someone who is not aware of any danger, harm or deception that might be aimed at them. Antonyms for this word would include expressions like "aware," "forewarned," "cautious," "circumspect," "vigilant," and "on guard." These words imply a state of mind that is highly conscious, alert and ready for whatever threat might come their way. Being "unsuspecting" can sometimes be a disadvantage, as one might be taken off guard by unexpected events. Therefore, knowing some antonyms for this term can help a person stay on guard and be more prepared in life.

What are the antonyms for Unsuspecting?

Usage examples for Unsuspecting

The boys crept up behind rocks until within a few yards of the unsuspecting creatures.
"My Attainment of the Pole"
Frederick A. Cook
Watchful of every venture, they follow each turn of the cards, and, if a dollar be for one instant forgotten or left upon the table, an eager hand clutches and bears it off before the unsuspecting player has time even to recognize the thief.
"A Lady's Captivity among Chinese Pirates in the Chinese Seas"
Fanny Loviot
I assumed the character of an unsuspecting young man who from sheer respect neither hears, nor sees, nor understands anything, but she was evidently not duped by it.
"The Dead Lake and Other Tales"
Paul Heyse

Famous quotes with Unsuspecting

  • Who gets the risks? The risks are given to the consumer, the unsuspecting consumer and the poor work force. And who gets the benefits? The benefits are only for the corporations, for the money makers.
    Cesar Chavez
  • Teaching to unsuspecting youngsters the effective use of formal methods is one of the joys of life because it is so extremely rewarding.
    Edsger Dijkstra
  • Yet, when child sex offenders are brought to justice and serve time for their offenses, they are often released into unsuspecting communities and left free to resume their sexual attacks.
    Bob Ney
  • A composer is a guy who goes around forcing his will on unsuspecting air molecules, often with the assistance of unsuspecting musicians.
    Frank Zappa
  • A composer is a guy who goes around forcing his will on unsuspecting air molecules, often with the assistance of unsuspecting musicians.
    Frank Zappa

Related words: man arrested, man tried to get away, cop caught man, woman caught man, man arrested on the spot, man tries to get away, woman catches man

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