What is another word for wast numerous?

Pronunciation: [wɒst njˈuːməɹəs] (IPA)

When looking for synonyms for the phrase "wast numerous," a few options come to mind. Some possible words to use in place of this phrase might include abundant, copious, extensive, manifold, and plentiful. Similarly, other terms like profuse, prolific, ample, and innumerable could all be used to convey a sense of large numbers or quantities. Of course, the specific synonym that is most appropriate will depend on the context and intended meaning of the original phrase. However, by exploring some of these possible options, it is easier to find the right word to convey the desired point.

What are the hypernyms for Wast numerous?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the opposite words for wast numerous?

The antonyms for the word "wast numerous" include words such as scarce, limited, few, rare, and meager. While wast numerous refers to a vast quantity or abundant supply, its antonyms all indicate a scarcity or insufficiency of something. It's essential to understand these antonyms to use them appropriately while communicating. For instance, if you want to indicate the quantity of something is not abundant, you can use words like scarce, limited or few. If you want to describe something rare, words like rare or meager are the ideal antonyms for the word "wast numerous." Remember to choose the right antonym to convey your message effectively.

What are the antonyms for Wast numerous?

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