What is another word for were turned by?

Pronunciation: [wɜː tˈɜːnd bˈa͡ɪ] (IPA)

The phrase "were turned by" can be replaced by several synonyms depending on the context. For instance, "were swayed by" is a perfect synonym when talking about someone who has been influenced or convinced of something. Alternatively, "were changed by" could be used when referring to a person who has undergone a significant transformation. In the same vein, "were converted by" could be used when talking about someone who has switched from one belief to another. Other synonyms for "were turned by" include "were affected by," "were moved by," and "were persuaded by." It is crucial to use the appropriate synonym to avoid confusion and convey the intended meaning.

What are the hypernyms for Were turned by?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the opposite words for were turned by?

"were turned by" implies a change in direction or action, which can have several different antonyms depending on the context. In a physical sense, antonyms could include standing still, remaining in place or moving in a different direction. In a mental or emotional sense, antonyms could include being content or satisfied with a situation, feeling unmoved or unimpressed, or resisting something that could otherwise influence a decision. Essentially, any word or phrase that means to remain unaffected, unchanged or unswayed could be considered an antonym for "were turned by," making it important to consider the context in which the phrase is being used to find the most relevant antonyms.

What are the antonyms for Were turned by?

Related words: were turned into, were turned into a vampire, were turned into zombies, were turned into a machine, turn into, turn into a mummy, turn into a wolf

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