What is another word for wind-swept?

Pronunciation: [wˈɪndswˈɛpt] (IPA)

Wind-swept is an adjective that describes something that has been blown or swept by the wind. It is often used to describe a landscape or a person's hair. There are many synonyms for wind-swept, including blustery, breezy, gusty, and airy. Other synonyms include windswept, windblown, and wind-scoured. These words all describe the effects of the wind on something. For example, a windswept beach has sand dunes that have been shaped by the wind, while a windblown tree has branches that have been bent by the wind. Overall, synonyms for wind-swept describe the power and force of the wind on the natural world.

Synonyms for Wind-swept:

What are the hypernyms for Wind-swept?

A hypernym is a word with a broad meaning that encompasses more specific words called hyponyms.

What are the opposite words for wind-swept?

The word "wind-swept" implies a feeling of being exposed to the elements, often associated with a blustery cold wind. Antonyms for "wind-swept" would include sheltered, calm, still, protected, and tranquil. A sheltered area would offer a respite from the wind and provide a feeling of security, while a calm space would be serene and relaxing. A still atmosphere would be devoid of any movement or breeze, while a protected space would be secure, safe and shielded from the wind. A tranquil setting implies a sense of peace and quietness, without any disturbance from the wind or other external factors.

What are the antonyms for Wind-swept?

Famous quotes with Wind-swept

  • Somewhere—in desolate wind-swept space— In Twilight-land—in No-man’s land— Two hurrying Shapes met face to face, And bade each other stand.“And who are you?” cried one, agape, Shuddering in the gloaming light. “I know not,” said the second Shape, “I only died last night.”
    Thomas Bailey Aldrich

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